My Role

I designed social media assets, landing page and flyer for the Dislocated Worker Grant campaign. Working with other designers on the project, I created a collaborative design board in Canva to serve as the style guide for campaign materials. My design was used on print and web ads for the METRO Philadelphia newspaper.


The deliverables I created would be part of a year-long marketing campaign for non-profit workforce program. The dislocated grant program helped people receive assistance and training to get back on track who were laid off and were on unemployment after Covid. The goal for the campaign was to have 300 people sign up for the program. I worked with two social media specialists and the communications manager on the project.

Software & Technical Tools

Outcomes/Lessons Learned

The dislocated worker grant campaign was my most successful project at PhilaWorks. The landing page received over 700 form submissions directed to the PA CareerLink dislocated worker grant program. The design board I shared with the team and external partners made collaboration easy and efficient across not just departments but across business entities. The success of using a landing page to generate leads made it easy for the Communications team and stakeholders to adopt it as part of future campaigns.